Tag Archives: Jerk

Surprise!!! I moonlight as an A–hole

If my weekend were an essay, that title would be the thesis. I encountered a series of very uncomfortable events that left me wondering if all men behave this way. I had a few experiences with a special breed of a–hole this weekend. It would be hilarious/unbelievable if it happened to any one else or on a sitcom. Let’s just say I was fooled by a Colgate worthy smile and some witty remarks. Shame on me.

I dated a guy for three years. He moves to 2500 miles and a 3hr time difference were of no assistance to the health of that relationship. Until very recently, we were attempting to be “friends.” How people manage to be friends with the person who wanted to marry them escapes me. Any way, I asked my “friend” if I could borrow some money about 2 weeks ago (Being a full time college student with no loans and a minimum wage part time job is no fun.) It was rent time I had just spent about $350 on books and I needed money. I couldn’t ask my parents, so I asked him. He gave it to me, and of course I intended on paying it back.

I got my paycheck just as Re-pay day rolled around and I am a dollar short. 4 quarters. 10 dimes. 20 nickels. 100 pennies. This man flips out! He says “I’m not being rude but you borrow $___, you  return $____.” All I could say was you’re kidding me. It’s a dollar. So very long story short, I borrowed a dollar from someone else.

I was really shocked because this guy is supposed to really care about me and he sh-t a brick over a dollar.